About hlesbrown

H. Les Brown is a man of many talents who has worn many hats in his lifetime. He boasts MAs in both philosophy and theology and years of service in the ministry, industry, data processing, life coaching, project management, and even a stint at Headquarters Marine Corps. As a life coach, he had a series of articles published in Worldwide Coaching Magazine. He self-published The Frazzled Entrepreneur’s Guide to Having it All, a self-help book for over-extended entrepreneurs. He enjoys desert hiking, working out, the creative arts, and a has passion for language. He’s up before dawn for morning meditation. He lives with Craig Gibson, his husband of twenty-five years, in a restored midcentury modern home in Palm Springs, California.

What happened to Christmas?

Scripture Readings Somebody is waging war on Christmas. Who do you think it is? Is it the atheistic humanists who’ve replaced “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays?” Is it the immigrants who’ve brought their strange beliefs and customs to our country? Or is it the Wiccans and neo-pagans who’ve brought back pantheism and have replaced Christmas with the Winter Solstice? Are all these people trying to erase Christmas? I don’t think so. These people of faith are seekers, and seekers are the very ones to whom God reveals himself. Doesn’t Isaiah [55:6] say, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; Continue Reading →