About hlesbrown

H. Les Brown is a man of many talents who has worn many hats in his lifetime. He boasts MAs in both philosophy and theology and years of service in the ministry, industry, data processing, life coaching, project management, and even a stint at Headquarters Marine Corps. As a life coach, he had a series of articles published in Worldwide Coaching Magazine. He self-published The Frazzled Entrepreneur’s Guide to Having it All, a self-help book for over-extended entrepreneurs. He enjoys desert hiking, working out, the creative arts, and a has passion for language. He’s up before dawn for morning meditation. He lives with Craig Gibson, his husband of twenty-five years, in a restored midcentury modern home in Palm Springs, California.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Why are we here? Isn’t this one of the fundamental questions that have dogged humanity since the dawn of history? The answer my not be immediately obvious to the casual listener to today’s readings, but then, we’re not casual listeners, are we? However the answer is right in front of us in the Scripture readings that were chosen for us in today’s liturgy. What were we like when we first got here? Let me explain. Craig and I were loyal fans of the TV series Big Bang Theory. The main characters were Sheldon and Leonard. Leonard’s mother, Beverly (played by Continue Reading →

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today, we start a new chapter in our yearly pilgrimage, walking in the footsteps of the Master. We’ve had the Epiphany. We’ve been introduced to Jesus, the Son of God, the light of revelation to the nations, the Word of God made flesh. We’re invited to begin our journey with a passage from John’s gospel that broadens the spotlight from Jesus alone to include us: you and me. Of course, John’s gospel began with a new Genesis. Rather than, “In the beginning, God created…” we have, “In the beginning was the Word.” There is no more significant statement in the Continue Reading →

The Baptism of the Lord

Today ends the liturgical season that began in December with the weeks of Advent. Over the past couple of months, we’ve been introduced to a number of themes that are very important for our spiritual lives. First, there’s the themes of advent itself: the coming of the Savior and our preparation for it. Remember that God always makes the first move. God’s coming into the world–into God’s creation and even that creation itself happens first. Our preparing ourselves to receive it is our response. But, without that preparation, we remain blind and deaf to God’s self-revelation. The second set of Continue Reading →

Why I Am Not God

Creation of Adam

At first glance, the premise seems self-evident. Yet, it’s not as simple and straight-forward as it might seem. Human beings (myself included) have a natural inclination — a sort of instinct — for thinking and acting as if we were in control of everything and therefore believe ourselves to be responsible for the outcome of everything. We become frustrated and angry when things don’t go our way or when unforeseen influences change or frustrate our plans. We humans may give lip service to believing in a god, yet we act as through the deity in charge is Us. That’s not Continue Reading →

A Believer’s Reflections on a Faithless Nation

Immigrant Children in Cages

It’s the Fourth of July holiday and there’ll be fireworks and public celebrations all across this country. Don’t get me wrong: there is a lot to celebrate here. In theory, the American democracy is a bold and exciting experiment. We enjoy a fairly educated population and, for many people, a high standard of living, and even unimaginable wealth. Politicians are fond of proclaiming loudly (and to vigorous applause) that we live in the “greatest country on earth.” Whether that’s true or not — whether it was ever true — is open for discussion. I would suspect that not a few Continue Reading →